PA Manager
Liste der Änderungen
Tipps & Tricks
Version 5.1.2801 [Build: 01 January 2025]
*Improved Style Playback Engine with PA800/3X Sounds
*Copy Track Sounds Menu copy fix
*Improved handling of Bad Stereo Sample Pointers
*Improved Sample Loop detection with older PA80/1X models
*Much faster playback of Stereo samples
*Internal improvements
Version 5.1.2505 [Build: 05 October 2024]
*Fixed an issue when deleting a UserDrum Sound
*Fixed a minor syntax issue with HTML Reports
Version 5.1.2424 [Build: 24 September 2024]
*Fixed a MultiSample SemiTone issue when copying from 2X to 4X Family
*Sample Manager - Fixed an issue when Streaming & Compressed Samples
*Improved RAM Memory management
Version 5.1.2409 [Build: 09 September 2024]
+Improved Round Robin support for UserDK's using User Samples
+KST Manager - Sound Tab - New Label to show DK's using Round Robin Samples
*KST Manager - Style Properties - Corrected MIDI Export Channels to reflect 5X
*KST Manager - Fixed an error on save with the PAD Event Editor
*SAMPLE Manager - Fixed an issue causing some MS Stereo playback to be mono
*Internal fixes & improvements
Version 5.1.2301 [Build: 01 August 2024]
*KST Manager - Fixed an issue relating to Drum Samples
*KST Manager - Fixed an issue relating to reading some Style Volumes incorrectly
*SET/KST Manager - Sound Tab - Fixed the Volume change when adding a new DK Layer
Version 5.1.2224 [Build: 24 July 2024]
*KST Manager - Fixed an issue relating to PA4X SETs converted but not reSaved on the PA5X
Version 5.1.2222 [Build: 22 July 2024]
*KST Manager - KPM can now fix some corrupt KBD SETs
*KST Manager - Fixed an issue with Stereo Drum Samples
*Fixed an issue when Searching for a Sound
*Improved Report formatting
*UI Enhancements
Version 5.1.2216 [Build: 16 July 2024]
+SET/KST Manager - Added unref counter label for UserDK
*Global Remap - PA5X User 7-12 Sounds names were not loading/showing
*KST Manager - Fixed an issue where KBDSET / PAD tabs were not copying sounds from USER7-12
*KST Manager - Fixed an issue which can cause Unref Samples over 30k
*Internal fixes & improvements
Version 5.1.2210 [Build: 10 July 2024]
+Support for KORG PA5X OS 1.3
+KST Manager - Sound Tab - Memory info has been added for each UserBank
+SET/KST Manager - Support for OSC Layer detection on .WAV Import
+SET/KST Manager - UserDK keys can now show Unreferenced Sounds as Red
+SET/KST Manager - Default Unreferenced Samples Menu has been added on DK Keys
+Event Editor - Improved support for MIDI/SMF file import
+Event Editor - Copy Menu now remains active even after pasting
+Sample Editor - Double Click on OrigKey for easier selection
+MultiSample Manager - Double Click on OrigKey for easier selection
+MultiSample Manager - More playing options have been added with different Tempo
+SAMPLE Manager - Ability to sort mono/stereo column
+SAMPLE Manager - Ability to sort preLoad column
*Time Slice - Fixed an issue with crossfade
*Internal fixes & improvements
Version 5.1.2105 [Build: 05 June 2024]
+Time Slice - Added a Crossfade option to avoid any clicks & pops on playback
+Time Slice - Increased Peak Scan Max value from 10 to 20
+Time Slice - Increased Min Distance Max value from 20 to 40
+SET/KST Manager - Default Sound menu has been added by right clicking on a track
+SET/KST Manager - Right Click on any track to jump to the Sound location
+SET/KST Manager - Copy Options - reMAP to Factory Sound option has been added
+SAMPLE Manager - PA5X Stereo MultiSamples can now be exported to .KMP
*SET/KST Manager - Fixed a possible issue when exporting the MS From a Sound
*SET/KST Manager - KBD SET Tab - Sound Size now also calculates real MB required to copy
*SET/KST Manager - SOUND Tab - Sound Size now also calculates real MB required to copy
*KST Manager - Fixed a PA5X crash issue caused by the & symbol on a Style Name
*Updated Uzbek Translation
*Internal fixes & improvements
Version 5.1.2015 [Build: 15 May 2024]
*KST Manager - Style Plays at correct Tempo
*Fixed an issue causing a crash on the 5X when renaming a Style
*Fixed an issue with Sound - Remap
*Fixed an issue with Chord Sequencer not saving to Style
*Fixed an issue with SET Manager shutting down due to Sound Card settings
*Fixed an issue causing a crash on 5X Style Select due to invalid Symbols
Version 5.1.2010 [Build: 10 May 2024]
+Support for PA1000 480MB
+KST Manager - PA5X Style Playback support
+KST Manager - PA5X PAD Playback support
+KST Manager - Event Editor is now available for PADs
+KST Manager - New Style Properties Window is now available
+KST Manager - New Chord Sequencer Window is now available
+KST Manager - Time Slice feature is now available
+KST Manager - Ability to create New KBD SET/PAD/Sound is now available
+KST Manager - New Advanced Settings providing extra control of parameters
+KST Manager - Advanced Settings - Edit/Change STYLE KBD SETs or Pads
+KST Manager - Advanced Settings - Edit/Change KBDSET Sounds
+KST Manager - Advanced Settings - Edit/Change Pad Sound / Settings
+KST Manager - Advanced Settings - Edit/Change User Sound/DK Settings
+KST Manager - Sound Tab - Sound ReMapping option is now available
+KST Manager - New option to extract a PAD from a Style to a Pad
+SET/KST Manager - New Menu to choose which Variation to Play
+SET/KST Manager - Style Playback - Now uses correct Mixer Volume for playback
+SET/KST Manager - Support for KORG Nautilus PCG Import
+SET/KST Manager - Right Click on a track to jump to the Sound location
+SET/KST Manager - New Menu to Check for Styles with Empty Tracks
+Copy Options - Do not copy ZERO Volume Sounds option has been added
+Copy Options - Do Not copy a Sound from an Empty Track option has been added
+SET Manager - STYLE Properties - You can now copy Variations between Intro/End groups
+New Playback engine to support playback of large Samples
+Event Editor - Midi Import now support PPQN at higher rates
+SAMPLE Manager - Auto Play option has been added
+SAMPLE Manager - You can now Sort the Sample Rate Column
+SAMPLE Manager - Certain FX Options now support stereo samples too
+MultiSample Manager - You can now drag zones for easier editing
+Sample Editor - New and Improved Low Pass Filter
+Sample Editor - New and Improved High Pass Filter
+Sample Editor - New 3 Band Graphic EQ
+New option to export OSC Layers at once in to the .KMP format
+UI Improvements
*Internal fixes & improvements
Version 5.0.1605 [Build: 05 February 2024]
*Improved Dual Monitor Support
*SAMPLE Manager - Fixed few mixups when Sorting was enabled
*SAMPLE Manager - File Size now retains it's text when sorted
*SAMPLE Manager - Duration now retains its text when sorted
*SAMPLE Manager - Fixed an issue when Deleting Unused Samples
*Updated Uzbek Language Translation
*Internal fixes & improvements
Version 5.0.1501 [Build: 01 January 2024]
*KST Manager - Now there are 12 Folders per page to match 5X UI
*KST Manager - Maximum Folder/Bank count has been increased from 90 to 144
*Fixed ecoding issue with special characters on 5X
+New Translation available in Croatian
*Internal fixes & improvements
Version 5.0.1329 [Build: 29 November 2023]
*KST Manager - Fixed an issue causing samples to be with noise on the 5X
*KST Manager - Fixed an issue when some folder names were not saving out
Version 5.0.1327 [Build: 27 November 2023]
+Updated support for KORG PA5X OS v1.2.1
+MULTISAMPLE Manager - Playback is now possible with left/right keys
+MULTISAMPLE Manager - Double click to enter sample number
+MULTISAMPLE Manager - shortcut keys are now shown on screen
+SET Manager - Sound Tab > DK - DEL key now resets a Key to an empty sample
*SAMPLE Manager - Importing Stereo .WAV issue has been fixed
*SAMPLE Manager - Tuning fix after HZ Conversion
*SAMPLE Manager - Improved support for 24bit Stereo .WAV files
*Improved support for PA5X Locked KST's
*Improved Dual Monitor support
*Some internal fixes
Version 5.0.1311 [Build: 11 November 2023]
+KST/SET Manager - Sample Category column has been added when creating a UserDK report
+KST/SET Manager - Layer Velocity column has been added when creating a UserDK report
+Remembers and keeps last window position on screen
*KST Manager - UserSound Report was not reporting UserBanks 5-6
*KST Manager - Fixed incorrectly reading of Style-KBD/STS Mute values
*SAMPLE Manager - Fixed an issue with incorrect loop points
*SAMPLE Manager - Fixed an issue when importing .KSF files that were looped
*SAMPLE Manager - Fixed an issue with MS replace that was causing a link to break
*SAMPLE Manager - Deletion of Unused Samples has been improved
*SAMPLE Manager - Sorting is now kept throughout
*Multisample Manager - Fixed a potential crash when using AutoMS to create an MS
*Fixed 5X naming symbols when using special characters
*Many internal fixes & improvements
Version 5.0.1126 [Build: 26 September 2023]
+SAMPLE Record - Increased Stereo record sampling size
*Improvements to PCG Import
*SAMPLE Manager - Fixed an Auto Trim issue
*KST Manager - Fixed a potential issue with size mismatch
*Internal fixes & improvements
Version 5.0.1123 [Build: 23 September 2023]
+MultiSample Manager - Added new Menu option 'Note to OrigKey'
*KST Manager - Muted sounds were not being read correctly has now been fixed
*KST Manager - COPY Options - Updated order of Tracks to Match PA5X
*SAMPLE Manager - Fixed an issue when importing Stereo .Wav Files
*SAMPLE Manager - Fixed an issue when Converting Sample Rate
*SAMPLE Manager - Fixed an issue with Auto Trim
*SAMPLE Manager - Fixed an issue sometimes not saving 5x PCG's
*Fixed Size display issue above 2GB
*Updated Hungarian Translation
*Internal fixes & improvements
Version 5.0.1023 [Build: 23 August 2023]
+Fixed a potential Length issue when loading MIDI files for PADs
*KST Manager - Global Sound reMap fix for PAD remapping on styles
*Sound Engine fix for stereo sample playback
Version 5.0.1020 [Build: 20 August 2023]
+SAMPLE Manager - Support for Stereo .KSF/Multisample import for 5X
+SAMPLE Manager - Added Options Menu on DrumSamples
+SAMPLE Manager - Added Options Menu on MultiSamples
+SET Manager - Added Scaled Velocity in the SOUND - OSC tab
*Speed boost with non English Locales
*Improved KORG PCG support for velocity settings
*Updated Czech Translation
*Updated Slovak Translation
*Internal fixes & improvements
Version 5.0.1010 [Build: 10 August 2023]
*Fixed random crash with KST Manager
*Improved KORG PCG support
*Improved GLOBAL Remap
*Improved Time Slice
*Internal fixes & improvements
Version 5.0.1006 [Build: 06 August 2023]
*Fixed random crash with some PC configs
*Fixed an issue when importing a KORG PCG
*Fixed an issue when Saving / Loading a 5X KST
*Support for 5X Encrypted PCMs
*Fixed issue when saving folders with Unicode characters
*SAMPLE Manager - Improved Sorting
*Internal fixes & improvements
Version 5.0.1001 [Build: 01 August 2023]
+KORG PA5X Support
+STYLE Playback Support
+EVENT Editor
+MIDI Import / Export
+MIDI Keyboard support for realtime playback
+PC Mouse/Keyboard support for realtime playback
+Faster Loading/Saving of SETs
+KST Manager - A New KORG PA5X Manager Window
+SET Manager - Manage KORG PA SETs in one Window
+SET Manager - New Advanced Settings providing extra control of parameters
+SET Manager - Global Sound reMAP
+SET Manager - Sound Mode reMap - reposition UserSounds/DK's which would automaticall reMAP through the SET
+SET Manager - Create New Sounds / Pads / Performances from scratch
+SET Manager - OSC Settings button has been added (change Pan, Velocity, Keyboard Range settings)
+SET Manager - Import .PCG sounds from KORG Trinity / Triton / Triton Le / M3 / KRONOS with Velocity settings
+SET Manager - New faster keybed for DK
+SET Manager - Group Bank Copy is now possible
+SET Manager - New Copy Options available
+SET Manager - Automatically Delete Unused Sounds
+Style Properties - Edit/Record Style Tracks via the Event Editor
+Style Properties - Delete Variations / CV's / Individual Tracks
+Style Properties - Copy Tracks or Variations from other Styles
+Style Properties - Midi Event List viewer
+Style Properties - Export Variations / Individual tracks as MIDI
+Style Properties - Added Track Type & Key columns
+Sample Manager - Record your own Samples
+Sample Manager - Column Sort has been added
+Sample Manager - Edit Compressed Samples
+Sample Manager - Added Multiple Sequencial Sample Renaming options
+Sample Manager - Added MultiSample > Linked Samples Renaming options
+Sample Manager - Added New Filter options- Normal / Comp / Locked / Unref items
+Sample Manager - Added Auto Trim/Delete End Silence
+Sample Manager - Added Convert Sample Rate options
+Sample Manager - Added SET Report option .txt/.csv
+Sample Manager - Check for Duplicates Menu added
+Sample Manager - Get 'MultiSample info' now auto selects used Samples in the MS
+Sample Manager - Drum Sample (Convert Stereo to Mono) menu option has been added
+Sample Manager - Unref Column has been added to show any unref samples on a MultiSample
+Sample Manager - Replace MultiSample Menu option has been added
+Sample Manager - ReCycle REX File Support [.rex/.rx2/.rcy]
+Sample Editor - Redesigned with Zoom options
+Sample Editor - New FX & Export Menu Options
+Sample Editor - Loop preview option for fine loop tuning
+SOUND Select Window has a new Search feature
+MULTISample Manager - MIDI Keyboard support for realtime playback
+MULTISample Manager - PC Keyboard support for realtime playback
+MULTISample Manager - New faster Keybed
+MULTISample Manager - real pitch/volume feedback
+MULTISample Manager - Added Add/Delete Zone options
+MULTISample Manager - MS Editor option with zone layer view
+MULTISample Manager - Save as New MS option added
+MULTISample Manager - Play MS as a Loop to preview it
+Time Slice - You can now preview individual slices
+Time Slice - You can now manually drag & adjust the slices
+Time Slice - Zoom in/out has been added for finer control
+Time Slice - ReCycle REX File Support [.rex/.rx2/.rcy]
+FILE Viewer - PCM Support (PCM Manager has been incorporated)
+Improved Sample copy engine when transferring Unref Samples
+Translation available in Albanian
+Translation available in Kurdish (Sorani)
+Translation available in Uzbek
+Translation available in Uyghur