PA Manager APIs?!

Old posts relating to older versions of the software.
Posts: 7
Joined: 02 Aug 2014, 23:03

PA Manager APIs?!

Post by bbadawi »

Are there any plans to allow developers to build or extend PA Manager? It would be really cool to allow users to be able to load/call PA Manager functions granted that the software has been activated. Another business model worth looking into is to make it available in the cloud where I can simply pass a set or certain portions of it and get a glimpse into what's inside. This would be similar to the free evaluation version and would turn the software into a service where users can pay-as-they-go type deal.
Site Admin
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Joined: 23 Feb 2014, 11:44
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Re: PA Manager APIs?!

Post by Admin »

:idea: Interesting proposal. Maybe something to think about in the future, but for now, no such plans.