Program Preference [resolved]

Old posts relating to older versions of the software.
Posts: 34
Joined: 02 Jul 2014, 14:39

Program Preference [resolved]

Post by Nemik »

In Future version was be good have some option allow users to set the way program works.
Pretty much all works good without, but later when you improve program maybe be more easily for all if we can customize some options.
For now what I like to have:
enable or disable load last style set on start.
Reason: I use mostly several usb drive for styles, they of course has different name, but sometimes I try to edit different style from different location and I have to wait to load previous set, then load again set I want to edit. :shock:
program has already in perfect location Button "Load STY SET" and I prefer click every time on start that wait and then click.
Is OK to remember Browsing Folder, but this also can be set in preference like : Set default browsing folder location.
Conclusion: Is not going to strip anything, just improve a lot. 8-)
Site Admin
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Location: London, UK

Re: Program Preference

Post by Admin »

Yes, that could be an option, but you can avoid this currently.

When you start the program, before you click on any of yhe Managers, just drag & drop your new SET and it will load the new set :)
Posts: 34
Joined: 02 Jul 2014, 14:39

Re: Program Preference

Post by Nemik »

Admin wrote:Yes, that could be an option, but you can avoid this currently.

When you start the program, before you click on any of yhe Managers, just drag & drop your new SET and it will load the new set :)
Cool, I didn't know. :o
That's create another request: Manual 8-)
Back to preference.
Program ask which Target Keyboard you prefer every time.
This could be set in preference or check box, remember my choice.
I think most users own only 1 KORG PA 8-)
Site Admin
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Joined: 23 Feb 2014, 11:44
Location: London, UK

Re: Program Preference

Post by Admin »

İnstead of a manual, Video tutorials are coming soon.


İt has to show that Model Select dialog because, every SET you load can be from a different model.
The program tries to detect the Model of the SET. İt doesnt assume at home you have a particular model :)