There is my first attempt to try make something new for my PA600 using this greatful software.
After 2 days and nights - there is my first collection of Drum Kits - https://drive.google.com/folderview?id= ... sp=sharing
The first KMP_05.SET is for PA Manger Users (there is added an Akkordeon KMP Multisample in User Sound1 place 0 and 1)
The second (Sample Drumkits 1 MM) is directly saved from my PA600 (No multisamples etc - just pure User DK with samples that are used with DK).
Of course the sounds maybe out of a balance but there is a reason why they are shared here.
Hopefully they are useful.
There are a 707, 808, 909 Drumkits that i like from Roland, and they have new samplings.