Offline Shutdown Problem - Restore Season - Too Much Security

Discussion about problems you may have with KORG PA Manager.
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Offline Shutdown Problem - Restore Season - Too Much Security

Post by Mixalis »


I was creating a new set from my sets the whole day and then we had a thunderstorm with red alarm in my area, internet broke during creating set. Pa Manager worked normally the whole time and then when I wanted to save finished set... Pa Manager broked and turned off with no warning... After internet was recovered... There was no option to restore old set that I was managing and creating the whole day.

You should fix that... If there is no connectivity there should be an autosave, not a crash... It is not OK to have to put "at your own risk" on about page...

Before Pa Manager broke, it must say there is no internet connectivity to check if you have original version, I cannot save until you have internet to check... or... make an locked autosave and then when internet is restored it unlocks it... or something like that

Please fix this... It is very frustrating... Too much security is not OK... It is making problems for costumers...
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Re: Offline Shutdown Problem - Restore Season - Too Much Security

Post by Admin »


Sorry to hear about your situation.
It is advisable that you do SAVE your sets frequently, rather than work all day without any saving.
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Re: Offline Shutdown Problem - Restore Season - Too Much Security

Post by vladojko »

Such a smart reply... Save more often while each save takes 15 minutes and consumes half a gigabyte of the disk space.

This is the example of obvious problem in the software that author does not want to fix, but instead he choses to rely on his monopolistic position on the market. If there is an alternative software existing, he would jump on fixing such huge issues. And it is huge issue, it happened to me too and I was swearing for a half of the day the idiots who implemented such an idiotic 'feature'
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Re: Offline Shutdown Problem - Restore Season - Too Much Security

Post by Admin »

15 Minutes to save half a gig? What type of a slow PC is this.

Anyhow, the new v5 is ultra fast on saving.

And this really isn't a huge issue at all in 2023, where everyone has 24/7 stable connections. We do require a connection for a specific reason to battle piracy. Any form of Please wait until your connection is back, is a high risk.

You should save more often.
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Re: Offline Shutdown Problem - Restore Season - Too Much Security

Post by mikiriki »

Salve, anche a me stasera il software ha iniziato a chiudersi mentre caricava un set, senza un motivo spiegabile. ho provato anche altri set ma si chiudeva ugualmente. ho desinstallato e reinstallato e sembra che adesso funzioni.
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Re: Offline Shutdown Problem - Restore Season - Too Much Security

Post by Admin »


Questo è un problema diverso. Il commento sopra è correlato a quando la connessione viene persa.

Il tuo problema è dovuto a SET di grandi dimensioni che causano un arresto anomalo nella versione recente. Questo dovrebbe essere corretto al prossimo aggiornamento.
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Re: Offline Shutdown Problem - Restore Season - Too Much Security

Post by mikiriki »

Ho capito. Grazie tante e buon lavoro!
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